Corporate Social Responsibility

At Pine Court Housing Association we take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) extremely seriously and recognise that we can play an important role in contributing towards growth and sustainability.

We work within the ISO 26000 framework for Social Responsibility which provides guidance on how businesses and organisations can operate in a socially responsible way.

Through this framework, our approach to corporate social responsibility addresses:

  • We practice accountability and transparency across all levels of our organisation, and our leadership team champions a workplace culture that values social responsibility when making business decisions.

    We incorporate social and environmental considerations in our decision making process and are accountable for the impact these decisions and activities have on society and the environment.

  • We treat all individuals with respect and provide inclusive services to all, making special efforts to help people from vulnerable groups.

  • We provide fair, safe and healthy conditions for our employees and welcome two-way discussions around colleague concerns.

  • We identify and improve the environmental impact of our operations, including resource use and waste disposal.

  • We respect the law and practice accountability and fairness in our dealings with other businesses and suppliers.

  • We provide good quality homes and services to our customers, give accurate information and promote sustainability.

  • We create job opportunities, work with local enterprises and build vibrant neighbourhoods. We are dedicated to having a presence in our communities and encourage our colleagues to get involved as much as they can.

    Through our Community Development Fund we work closely with partner organisations to build a better future for our customers, supporting thousands of beneficiaries each year as we create opportunities and change lives within our communities.

How we formed our approach to corporate social responsibility

We considered a number of factors, including:

  • Interactions with organisations we work with
  • The impact our decisions and activities has on stakeholders
  • Legally-binding obligations such as applicable laws and regulations
  • Social, economic and environmental obligations that may exist in enforceable contracts
  • Ethics outlined in codes of conduct
  • Guidelines outlined in memberships and associations we belong to

Recognising that social responsibility is a continuous process, we have integrated it throughout our core decisions and activities, including:

  • Making social responsibility integral to our policies, strategies and operations
  • Embedding social responsibility into our organisational culture
  • Considering the impact of our decisions during the planning stage of new activities
  • Reviewing activities on an ongoing basis, to determine whether additional issues need to be considered
  • Sharing internal and external communications around social responsibility

How we report on social responsibility

We conduct a comprehensive annual review of our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities, which we then present collectively. This evaluation forms part of our ongoing dedication to corporate social responsibility, culminating in a detailed self-assessment that is shared with our board members and made accessible online.

This page was last updated on 21/01/2025