Community Development Fund

Our Community Development Fund (CDF) supports hundreds of local beneficiaries each year as we work closely with partner organisations to create safer, more inclusive, healthier communities.

The fund was established to enable community and voluntary organisations to contribute to our vision for thriving, diverse, and inclusive communities.

A total of £10,000 is available in the form of grants for voluntary and community groups who want to deliver projects or services that benefit customers in our communities.

  • Pine Court Housing Association has £10,000 available to fund community projects each financial year, running from April – March.  No one project will be allocated more than 50% of the total amount of money available. Any bids for funding will need to show how they will benefit our customers and the wider community.

  • The fund will not support ongoing office or management costs. The fund must not be used to support salary costs for employees, however, will pay for staff time in delivering sessional activities, for example#, football and basketball coaching or dance classes.

    The fund is also unable to support any items for Pine Court Housing Association’s customers that should be covered under their service charges, nor can the fund support projects that will increase the value of an individual’s property.

If you are interested in applying for a grant from our Community Development Fund, please download and complete our application form and return it to us at