Our latest update on ‘You Said, We Did’ is now available.
Customer feedback is crucial for us—it helps us improve and tailor our services to better meet your needs. Our You Said, We Did reports showcase how we make changes following your valuable feedback.
This update includes:
You Said
The Day to Day Repairs service has received the highest number of complaints, with the main themes from this feedback being too long to carry out work, and poor communication.
We Did!
Below are improvement measures with have been implemented by our repairs contractor, Sovini Property Services (SPS):
• We have rolled out Communication Workshops to all SPS Office Staff, Operatives, and apprentices.
• Positive customer feedback is being shared with staff and the wider group, from our repairs system, Localz.
• A process has been developed to acknowledge negative feedback received from customers through the Localz system and ensure that action has been taken.
• A Complaints Channel has been introduced to provide visibility to managers, and the ability to assign tasks to responsible officers in order to aid with complaint investigations.
• A ‘no reply’ scheduler email and templates are being set up, to send appointments to customers.
• Toolbox Talks have taken place on ensuring staff PDA devices are refreshed, appointments and customers kept updated.
• We are carrying out post Inspections of properties, to investigate the causes of dissatisfaction.
• Work has been completed with the Grounds Maintenance and Communal Cleaning teams, both collaboratively and by Sovini Property Services. This is to improve the service provided to customers who receive these services.
• Meetings have been arranged with Outbound Survey Assistants. This is to provide examples and guidance for them, should customers ask questions relating to different workstreams (e.g. void specifications).
Stay informed with all our updates and how we are responding to your feedback by visiting our You Said, We Did page.
Want to make a suggestion? Visit our feedback page for more details.